Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Redang Beach

  1. Hey there have you ever been to Redang Beach before is really very nice .
    Take a look at the picture , it was taken on 2008 /07/07 from the sea view hotel . It was taken by my father .
    As you can see , there is something like some mountains right ? You can find some monitor lizard there too !
    There are lots of things to eat there , buffets everything , it just taste so great , all the food .
    There is a food court outside the resort too ! I went there for dinner . It was really nice especially the Village Friend rice and the Kampung Fried rice . We also went to Laguna . We took a boat that brought us straight there . The boat was quite bumpy . And it was quite amazing too , because when you are on the boat you get to see tall trees like some jungles or rainforest .My brother was lucky , the driver let him tried to drive the boat .

    Laguna was abit more different it was more like a home town , but not really , there are still beach and everything . The food sold there are also very tasty .

    Well This trip was really great ! I hope to go there again very soon . But because now is the rainy weather , that place is closed down .

    Journal Written by ,

Monday, November 10, 2008


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